Thursday, May 1, 2014

Two Days before the Camino

I've just left Rome in route for Madrid. The Camino starts on Thursday, May 1st. I'm know I'm not physically fit for this walk but it's something that I've wanted to do since I first visited Compostela.  I expect to encounter on this walk moments of joy, laughter, solitude, peace, prayer, beauty, new insight, tiredness, refreshment, and frustration. I pray that I am open to all that God wants to share with me and that I learn and grow from the experience. 
I will be sharing the beginning of this journey with my good friend Fr. Benjamin, my sister Janice and her husband Peter and along the way will be joined by another good friend, Sr. Leota, of whom I've known since I was in High School. I look forward to sharing Eucharist & our faith together as we all seek the intercession of St. James to draw us closer and more intimately to our God.

"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional"

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