Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 3 of the Camino dedicated to the Pope Francis, Bishop Flores, Bishop Peña, Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Religious Women and Men who are serving in the Brownsville Diocese

f I said that yesterday was difficult, it's only because I didn't know about today. We were on our feet 9 hours straight (that's a little exaggeration because we took a 30 minute lunch break and several other small breaks that added up to 30 minutes). I'm exhausted and my body is aching. ACHING!!!!!!

I dedicated my day of walking and prayer for the intentions of Pope Francis, Bishop Flores, Bishop Peña, the priests and seminarians of the Brownsville Diocese as well as for all the women and men religious who serve in the Diocese. 

We left our hotel in Pamplona around 9:20 a.m. We stopped off at a local church to begin the day with prayer. From there we walked through the city of Pamplona. I thought we would never reach the outskirts of the city. It seemed like an eternity (it was 1 hour). Walking on pavement and concrete is no fun when your feet & legs are hurting). We then headed up the first of 2 mountains. Yes, I said mountains! Climbing the mountains is not as difficult as the coming down. At the end of the day I wasn't sure if I was going to make it to our hotel. Only by the grace of God and the help of my walking sticks was I able to complete today's journey. 

There's something good to say about those walking sticks. They have been a great help and support in climbing and descending the mountains. They have also kept me from stumbling over the ROCKY terrain. I've also used them to lean on in moments when we were idle. In many ways the have been the support and security that have helped me to walk the Camino thus far. 

As I reflected more upon the use of these two sticks and the support they have provided, I began to realize that these "two sticks" have been a part of my journey since the moment I was conceived.

As I see it, God has provided me with "walking sticks" throughout my life. The "walking sticks" I'm refering to are the many wonderful people (family, friends, etc.) that God has placed in my path who have been a source of love, strength and encouragement. They are the people who support me and also allow me to lean on them in time of need. They help me to walk in love and try and keep me from stumbling. They all have truly been a godsend.

There is a story in Exodus 17:8-13 where Moses tells Joshua to take certain men from among the Israelites and to go out and engage the Amalek's in battle. Joshua does what Moses asks of him while  Moses went to the top of the hill with Aaron and Hur. As long Moses kept his hands up in the air, the Israelites were winning the battle. Whenever he let his arms down, the Amalek's began to win. Moses' arms grew tired so Aaron and Hur put a rock in place for Moses to sit on and then the two of them kept Moses hands up in the air until sunset at which time Joshua won the battle. Without Aaron and Hur's help Moses would not have been able to keep his hands up in the air and the Israelites would have lost the battle. The point of the story is that we all need help and as a community of faith we are all called to reach out to others and become their "walking sticks."

Who are the "walking sticks" in your life? Have you thanked God today for these special people? 

The "Walking Sticks"

Signs that mark the way!

The Camino to Santiago.

More of the Camino.

One of many grape vineyards along the way.

One of any wheat fields.

Metal sculptures of pilgrims.

Bales of hay.

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