Friday, May 9, 2014

Day 9 of the Camino - Dedicated to world peace.

Today is day 9 of the Camino. Our destination was Belorado (14 miles). My prayers and walk this day were dedicated for an end to all wars, prejudice, and hate that exist among the human race. I pray that we learn to appreciate and respect one another's cultures and religions.

Once again, it was hard walking today. The blisters on my feet and the soreness in my legs made me want to stay in bed at the Hostal. However, I got up at 6:30am and began the routine of preparing my feet for the Camino. The blisters need to be washed with iodine, dried, and bandaged. Next I had to put the Compeed patches over the callous' and other sore areas. Then I have to rub vaseline over the parts that aren't covered with bandages. (Vaseline is suppose to keep your feet from getting blisters) After I complete that part of the ritual I put on my socks and adjust them as my foot goes into the hiking boot. It's a pain in the neck to do all this but if I don't I'll run the risk of getting more blisters. Sounds like fun doesn't it.

I'm very tired tonight so I'm not going to give a "preachy reflection." I'll close this blog entry by sharing with you some of the pictures that I took during today's walk. Good night and Buen Camino!

Pilgrim David (Our Guide)

Pilgrim Pat

Pilgrim Padre Benjamin

Pilgrim Peter (my brother-in-law)

Cruz de Los Valientes

Interior of the Church at Grañión

Interior of the Church at Grañión

Interior of the Church at Grañión

Camino sign directing us to the next town.

An old building that I thought would make a good picture.

Outside view of a 16th century Church in Belorado. Notice the huge bird nests on top of the bell tower.

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