Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day 15 of the Camino - Dedicated to those who suffer from addictions.

Today was day 15 of the Camino. The weather was cool and windy. Our destination was Frómista (15 miles). We've entered the flat lands of the Camino allowing us to cover more territory quickly unlike when we were hiking over mountains and hills. I dedicated my walk and prayers this day for people who suffer from addictions. 

I believe all of us know or have known someone who suffers from an addiction(s). Whether it's a family member, a friend or an acquaintance from work, addictions cause them and those who love them much pain, conflict, frustration and anxiety.

My prayer today was for people with addictions to accept their powerlessness, admit that they have an addiction, and then seek the help and support that they need to confront their addiction with an appropriate recovery program. 

"I have the strength for everything through Christ who empowers me." Philippians 4:13

Good night and Buen Camino!

Pictures from today.

Poppy flower field.

Marker for a pilgrim who died on the Camino.

Monument along the Camino.

The Pisuerga River

Marker informing pilgrims they are entering a new Province in Spain. 

A cross in a tree along the Camino.

I liked this tree so I took a picture of it.

Our lunch - a Spanish Tortilla with bread.

Pretty flowers.

David, our guide.

Peter, my brother-in-law relaxing after the days walk. 

Fr. Benjamin and my sister Janice relaxing after walking 15 miles.

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