Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Day 6 of the Camino - Dedicated to all my friends

Today is day 6 of the Camino. Our destination today was Logroño (17.4 miles). I dedicated my walk and prayers today for the many friends who have been a part of my life throughout the years. They have stood by me in good times and bad. They have affirmed me and challenged me, loved me and forgiven me and I am grateful to God for their presence in my life.

I spent the first part of my walk in silence. It gave me the opportunity to pray and be present to the beauty that surrounded me and to reflect on the many wonderful friends that I have been blessed to know. Life just wouldn't be the same without them. When I finished my prayer, I joined up with my sister Janice and walked the next 8 miles along side her.

The terrain was not as rigorous as the days before but our bodies seemed to move much slower due to our aches and pains. I tended to concentrate on the beauty of this land and stopped walking from time to time to take pictures of the different kinds of flowers along the Camino. I will include those pictures with this post.

I ask you to pray for the health of Fr. Larry Klein, Mari Caballero and Daisy Gonzalez-Dickson. Please also pray for the repose of the souls of Daisy's brother, Jose, and Marty Masso's sister, Charlene, who died recently. May Jose's & Charlene's souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace! Amen .

Wildflowers along the Camino.

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