Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 5 of the Camino - Dedicated to all my Parishioners

Today is day five of the Camino. I dedicated my walk and prayers for all my parishioners at Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish and our mission chapel at Laguna Heights. These wonderful people have been so kind and supportive of my sabbatical and I love them dearly. I'm so blessed to be sharing faith among them.

Today's walk brought us to the town of Los Arcos. I journied today with my sister Janice. I enjoyed walking and talking with her about our parents, grandparents, siblings and our relationship with God. It was great reminiscing with her about our family and the good times that we had growing up. We also discussed some of the struggles and pains of our youth and adulthood and the growth that has taken place in our lives over the years. Several posts back I wrote a down a quote that said, "Change is inevitable, growth is optional." All of us are given the opportunity to grow but many of us find it too difficult to accept change. Janice and I have not always found it easy to accept change, but we know that it is necessary if we want to grow in love and understanding within our own lives, with others and in our relationship with God. 

Janice shared with me a quote from a theologian that seemed to sum up all that we were discussing along the way this day. The quote is, "Salvation is worked out through the messiness of our lives." I know that I've lived through a lot of messiness over the years, and I imagine that my messiness was not too different from what the two disciples on the road to Emmaus must have experienced.   They had to discover for themselves the Risen Christ amidst the messiness of what happened in Jerusalem as they watched in horror and fear the crucifixion of their friend Jesus. May we continue to journey in search of the Risen Christ amidst the messiness of our own lives. As we say to those who walk the Camino to Santiago, BUEN CAMINO! 
Someone's gate

My sister Janice

Free wine for the pilgrims.

A view of the Camino.

Walking into a town.

A local parish church.

The view from outside the church.

Wild flowers along the Camino.

My sister Janice, the Pilgrim.

I liked this shoe so I took a photo of it. 

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