Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 23 of the Camino - Dedicated to all parents.

Today is day 23 of the Camino. Our destination was San Martin del Camino (15 miles). The weather was cold and windy. Real cold and windy!!! Walking from our hotel to the outer city limits of Leon took us one hour. That was one hour of walking on asphalt and concrete. Not too comfortable on the feet to say the least. Once we got outside the city limits we still had 13 miles to walk before we reached San Martin del Camino. 
Leaving Leon we came across this statue of a pilgrim resting his feet and taking a little siesta. (Time for a photo shoot).
As we kept walking we came across a bar in the little town of La Virgen del Camino. When we walked inside I saw this image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (aka: Stela Maris - Our Lady Star of the Sea). I took this picture to remind me that Mother Mary is interceding and praying with us as we walk the Camino. 
After our 15 minute coffee/tea break we continued our journey.  We came across this Egyptian statue placed outside some store so I asked Sr. Leota (aka: Little Red Riding Hood) to stand next to it so that I could take her picture. She's so obedient. 
Next we came upon this church named after Our Lady of the Camino. It had a real modern interior/exterior but the sanctuary contained a Baroque style retablo similar to what you would find in a midieval Spanish church.
The above picture is of the exterior of the church and the picture below is that of the retablo.
The Camino path today ran parallel to one of the main highways of this region. None of us liked the noise from the passing vehicles but we had no choice in the matter. This was the route the map laid out for us. However, we did come across some beautiful wildflowers. Check out the photos below.

We also came upon this old church in the city of Villadangos del Paramo that had huge stork nests in its bell tower. These nests were a common site at the different churches we've passed on the Camino.  
We decided to eat in Villadangos del Paramo at a small restaurant. We brought along our hot sauce. (You can take the man out of TEXAS but you can't take TEXAS out of the man). Food here is very bland so we needed the hot sauce to spice it up. 
After lunch we had 8 miles to complete the day's walk. I walked ahead of everyone and used the time to pray and reflect. My prayer and walk this day were offered for all parents (double parent families, single parent families, step-parents, grandparents, adoptive parents and godparents). 

I prayed asking God to give parents the wisdom, understanding, patience, support, strength and love they need in raising their children and that parents be open to learning, growing and guidance from the Holy Spirit. May God bless all parents!

Good night and Buen Camino!

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