Sunday, May 25, 2014

25th Day of the Camino - Dedicated to people diagnosed with having cancer.

Today was day 25 of the Camino. Our destination was Rabanal (13.75 miles). The morning was cool (mid 40's) as we began our journey. During our morning instructions, Sr. Leota struck up a conversation with this gentleman from Norway (Sr. Leota's family roots originate from there). Of course I teased her about her new "friend." All in fun. 
Afterwards we headed through town and came across this house that was designed by the famous architect Gaudi. It was incredibly stunning and beautiful. The man really had a gift for designing! If you'd like to see more of his work search online for the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona.
Next our group stopped off at the Astorga Cathedral. We wanted to visit its interior but they don't allow visits while the celebration of the Mass is taking place.  Since the Mass had just started and we had a late start we decided it was best to keep walking to the next town. 
The picture above and below are of the front facade of the Cathedral. Notice the two different colors of stone in the upper picture.
Once we arrived at the first town on our route we stopped for coffee and tea at a local bar. It seemed that the owner of the bar was having a bad day. She was sarcastic and short with Fr. Benjamin and David. I knew that I didn't want to be a part of her negativity so I decided to walk on ahead of the group why they sat and drank their coffee and tea. During my walk I prayed for the bar owner hoping that her day would get better. After all, we all have bad days but we don't have the right to inflict our negative thoughts, words or attitudes onto others. I need to remember that the next time that I'm having a bad day. I hope you do to.
"As the bow appears in the clouds, I will see it and recall the everlasting covenant that I have established between God and all living beings--all mortal creatures that are on earth." Genesis 9:16
Throughout our pilgrimage we have been blessed with seeing various rainbows. Today was no different. It was just a different kind of rainbow, one painted on a marker along the Camino instead of the many we have seen in the sky. Perhaps a Cursillista painted it? I saw it as a small reminder of God's presence and love for me as I walked the Camino. 
Several people that have cancer asked me to dedicate a day of prayer and walking for them and all others who have cancer. Today was the day that I dedicated to them as I lifted them up in prayer. I'm asking you to pray for the following parishioners and friends who have cancer: Elvia, Henrietta, Sergio, Maria Gloria, Alice, Norma, Rosie, Ashley, and Fr. T.J. Martinez, SJ. I know there are many more names that need to be added to this list so please forgive me if I left someone off. I ask that we all take  time out of our busy schedules to offer up one Our Father and one Hail Mary for these and all others who have cancer. 

I apologize that I'm a day late with posting but I didn't have wifi last night in my hotel room and I wasn't able to finish this post until now. Thanks for reading and please continue to pray for all peregrinos who are walking the Camino.

Good night and Buen Camino!

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