Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 21 of the Camino - Rest Day

Today is day 21 of the Camino. We had the day off from walking. My friend, Sr. Leota Roesch, arrived in Madrid early this morning and joined up with us at the hotel in Leon. Tomorrow will be her first day on the Camino. Say a prayer for her so that she won't get any blisters.

Today was also wash day so we took our clothes to the nearest laundry service facility. We do this about every fourth or fifth day. Having one's clothes washed in a foreign country can be very expensive. The highest we've paid since we started the Camino has been $50 Euros ($65 USD) and the least has been $6 Euros.  It is very rare to see any self-service laundromats, therefore we have to rely on laundry services to wash our clothes. I sure miss having my own wahing machine and dryer. Today the lady at the "Lavanderia "only charged us $15 Euros because we allowed her to wash our white and colored clothes together. She charged my sister $25 Euros because she wanted hers washed separately. 

After dropping of our clothes we went to eat pizza at a little pizzeria near the Cathedral. It wasn't as good as the pizza in Rome but we did enjoy it. After lunch we came back to the hotel to rest for awhile. After our siesta we went to see two churches, San Isidro and the Cathedral. I took pictures of both and included them in this post.

We went to dinner at 8pm (this is early for Spaniard's) at a local restaurant. This was a night of celebration. We celebrated Leota's arrival, Padre Benjamin's 20th Anniversary to the priesthood, David's birthday and our having passed the half-way mark of walking the Camino. Everyone got a little gift for their accomplishments ranging from hiking socks, wash cloths, candy bars and a bottle of hot sauce. After dinner we came home to prepare for tomorrow's walk and to finish our blogs.  It's getting late over here (11:35pm) so I'm going to sign off for now. Please continue to pray for us as we do for all of you. 

Blessings and love to all. Good night and Buen Camino!

Me, Sr. Leota, Janice and Peter in front of San Isidro Church.

Interior of San Isidro Church.

Front facade of the Cathedral in Leon. 

Main entry doors to the Leon Cathedral.

Interior of Leon Cathedral. The following pictures are also of the interior of the Cathedral. 

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