Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 2 of the Camino - dedicated to my family

Today was the second day of the Camino. We walked 14 miles. Needless to say I am tired and sore. The weather was a mixture of rain and sunshine but we were blessed with the sight of another rainbow (we had a rainbow on the first day as well). The path was muddy and difficult. I can't help but think that life can be like that, muddy and difficult. The important thing to remember in these moments is that God walks life's journey with us and we are never alone. No matter how messy or difficult life can become, we must never lose hope! Sometimes we have to walk through the mud and the muck before we can experience the beauty of the rainbow.
Hotel in Askerreta where we stayed last night. This is one of the hotels that appears in the movie, "The Way." Remember the scene from the movie where the Canadian woman calls Martin Sheen who plays the role of Tom, "Boomer"? This is the hotel where that scene takes place. 
Another picture of the hotel.
One of the many markers along the way that informs the pilgrim of the Camino path.
A beautiful site!

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