Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day 11 of the Camino - Dedicated to all Mother's

Today was day 11 of walking the Camino. Our destination was the town of Burgos, a 14 mile walk. I dedicated my prayers and walk this day to all mothers as we honor them on Mother's Day.

As I reflected and prayed this day I thought of the many women who have been influential in my life and thanked God for all their love and support.

I have been blessed to have had a Mom who loved and cared for her children. She was a woman of faith who instilled in my siblings and I the importance of God, the gift of family, and the love of neighbor. I can't begin to tell you how much I miss her hugs, laughter, greeting cards, phone calls, great food and spending my day off with her and dad. Mother's Day has never felt the same since she died.

My two grandmothers, Etha and Helene, were tender and caring women. They were my "go to moms" when ever I was in trouble at home. Grandma Seitz (Etha) was always patient, kind and soft spoken. She had a great listening ear. She made wonderful homemade rolls and lemonade that could satisfy any hunger and quench any thirst. Gathering at her house after Midnight Mass was always a special time and created many fond memories in the hearts of my siblings and cousins. My Grandma Tiki (Helene) was always the helpful one. Each day she came to our house to help mom wash our clothes and hang them out to dry.  She loved working in the yard, watching her soap operas and eating liver and onions with mom. Every year at Thanksgiving, she was responsible for making the relish dish for our family meal and on special occasions would make for us her famous strawberry shortcake.  Being in the presence of my grandma's always brought me great joy and love.

My godmother, Jean Mehis, and my mom's other good friend, Betty Abbenante, were also influential and sharing God's love and care. I have great memories of my godmother (also known as Aunt Jean) taking my brothers and I swimming at the Fontana Motor Hotel swimming pool in Mission. 

My (Aunt) Betty always made me feel special on St. Patrick's Feast Day by baking me a green cake or by making me a green jello mold. Although neither of these ladies were related to me by blood, I sure felt as if they were. 

I've had many other wonderful women who have had and still have a maternal hand in teaching, guiding and forming me into the person I am today. These women have shown me much love and care over the the years, and although this list is incomplete, I'd like to give recognition to the following women:  my sisters, my aunts, teachers, classmates, staff members, good friends, parishioners, Margo Hernandez, Sr. Leota Roesch, +Ascension Chapa, +Leticia Hall, Pat Boulette, Lupita Agado, Pauline Valenzuela, Manuela Perez, Alice LaBorde, and Laura Gracia. 

I thank God for all these wonderful women and I ask his blessings upon them always.

I invite you to think of all the wonderful women in your life that have taught, guided and formed you and lift them up in prayer this day. 


Good night and Buen Camino to all!

Starting out the day.

Some of the beauty that one sees on the Camino.

A snail crossing the path of the Camino!

A rocky path on the Camino.

A view of a valley lies behind this sign.

The beautiful valley.

A sign from my mom on Mother's Day letting me know that she's thinking of me. Yellow roses were my mom's favorite flower. This yellow rose bush was on the Camino.

A cross near the city center of Burgos.

A building in the city center of Burgos.
The Cathedral in Burgos.

Burgos Cathedral.

Burgos Catheral.

Burgos Cathedral.

Old city gate that leads into Burgos.

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