Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 22 of the Camino - Dedicated to my mother.

Today is day 22 of the Camino. Our destination was Leon (13 miles). The weather was cold, windy and wet. I walked the day with Sr. Leota. She was so excited about walking the Camino. 

I dedicated my prayer and walk this day in thanksgiving for the gift of my Mom. Today was the 11th Anniversary of her death. 

Gloria Irene McMahon Seitz
December 16, 1923 - May 22, 2003

During her teenage years Mom took dance classes. Ginger Rogers, eat your heart out!

When the Second World War broke out, Mom became a WAVE and was stationed in North Carolina where she met my dad.

My parents were married on December 2, 1944 after a three months of courtship. They were married for 57 years (one month shy of 58 years).

This was taken at my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary. What a beautiful lady!

My mom loved yellow roses and during our walk yesterday I came across this rose bush with one yellow rose. I spotted the rose immediately after Sr. Leota and I had finished a conversation about my mom. Sr. Leota told me that her mom loved yellow roses as well. At that moment, we knew our moms were walking with us .

I hope and pray that all of us can be mindful each day of God's love and presence in our lives through the many people who love and care for us. My mom was one of those people who helped me to experience God's love daily and for this I am thankful. I love you mom.

Good night and Buen Camino!

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