Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 10 of the Camino - Dedicated to the poor, homeless and hungry people throughout the world.

Today was day ten of the Camino. My walk and prayers this day were offered for the poor, homeless and hungry throughout the world. 

The Gospel of Matthew reminds us how we are called to show Christ's love with these words, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." (Mt. 25:35-36)

A month ago I was at the train station in Rome waiting in line at McDonalds to purchase breakfast. As I waited patiently (I'm not always patient) for the people in front of me to place their order, an elderly man, who seemed to be homeless, poor and hadn't bathed for days cut the line right in front of me. At first I was a little perturbed that he did this. Why couldn't he wait in line like the rest of us (a very "American" way of thinking, because in Italy, from my experience, forming a line is not a part of their culture). The girl serving us made a condescending remark to the man about taking his place in line. The elderly man was hard of hearing so he didn't move from where he was standing. His not moving upset the server. When she finished serving the person who was before us, the elderly man approached the counter and asked the server for a particular item from the menu. She rudely spoke to the man as she took his order and then raised her voice as she told him the price. He opened his hand and showed her a few Euro coins. She raised her voice again and told him to put the coins on the counter. It was obvious she didn't want to touch the mans hand or the coins he was holding. The elderly man did as he was told. The server grabbed a napkin and picked up the coins with it and put the napkin with the coins in a separate section of her cash drawer. She then gave the man his food and off he went. 

I share this story because I think too often we treat people who are poor or disadvantaged with the same attitude of this young server. Mother Teresa was clear that the Christ we encounter in the Eucharist is the same Christ who cut me in line and was treated with disgust when he asked for food. 

I think we forget that we should not only say "Amen" to the Christ that abides in the Eucharistic bread, but we should also say "Amen" to the Christ who hides in the lowliest, unsuspecting human being.

Good night and Buen Camino!

Pictures from today.

My backpack.
Beautiful flowers along the Camino.
One of many streams that flow along the Camino.
More beautiful flowers along the Camino. My sister Janice is the pilgrim in the picture.
Bell tower of a church in Tosantos.
Pine trees up on a mountain top. 
An arrow made by pilgrims pointing the direction to Santiago de Compostela.
Another arrow made by pilgrims pointing to Santiago de Compostela.
Pictures from Msgr. Mike Boulette who witnessed the vows of Jake and Karey Masso. Congratulations to the Newlyweds!

Picture sent by Beth of Jake & Karey exchanging their vows.

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